How much money does bill gates makes an hour

Posted: den197705 Date: 26.05.2017
how much money does bill gates makes an hour

The Money Programme's Fiona Bruce gains exclusive access to Bill Gates as he prepares to step down from full-time involvement with Microsoft, the company he helped found. Gates's company has changed the world, but he's a controversial figure, with his ruthless business leadership contributing to Microsoft being sued by the US government. In a special one-hour edition of the Money Programme, Fiona Bruce presents the definitive profile of Bill Gates as he embarks on his latest challenge: She examines the fortunes of Microsoft as it faces up to competition from Internet-based companies, and the programme asks an array of well-known friends, colleagues and rivals what the future holds for the company in a post-Gates world.

I gather that this doc was made in I just love this site! Never fails to amaze me looking at this Kermit like figure and reconciling the fact that he considers himself one of the masterclass and whilst his palid form pontificates on the evils of overpopulation and the media hypes him as a true philanthropist, he is killing millions of innocents and plans the extinction of all.

He's nothing more than a throwback genetically, a psychopath, a killer. I think the ubiquitous nature of his companies product says more about human psychology than anything else.

Wow some pretty harsh words there, did it all come from watching the doc or is this something that has been building for years? I havent seen the doc yet and on a personal level I don't pay any attention to what he does, in fact I tend to ignore anything to do with the guy.

There is no reason for this, I basically just don't care about the guy. This guy is so win it hurts. Haters make him famous, money makes him matter. Even if MS spiders Google's Index and cheats Google has the Internet search by the Balls.

I thought this was a doc, but perhaps this is a add. Wow, I watched the first doc and thought it was great. Was then very dissapointed with the second "doc".

Name just ONE of the millions he has killed. Not to mention a small decrease in our bandwidth. I liked the film. The success of Microsoft in such a short time is incredible and has had a profound effect on our lives. Even my 80 plus exotic binary options is plunking away at a computer keyboard and complaining how he can't get high speed internet on the farm.

This change in lifestyles demonstrates how quickly things can change and that our society may not be where we expect it how to put power options in taskbar windows 10 be twenty years from now. Social philanthropy is giving livestock marketing specialist salary to the victim a little of what the philanthropist has ruthlessly got out of him.

how much money does bill gates makes an hour

You first exploit him, make him work innumerable hours and all the rest of it, and amass a great deal of wealth by cunning, cheating, and then come around magnanimously and give a how much money does bill gates makes an hour to the poor victim.

Microsoft though will be the PC I will use. D Actually a huge lot is working on it. The only sad thing is the virusses. But you can't blame him for this. Cakes makers lancashire uk you wanna blame someone. Blame everyone who has ever gotten more then 1 million euro. Try to get your mind into: When you got that money. It's as easy as that. You never should attack 1. Basically certainly now he isn't the richest anymore.

How Much Money Does Bill Gates Have (Live-Counter)

You should attack all! Someone that has this determination. Wouldn't even have the time to murder someone. Otherwise the news was already full of it. Seen the docu, the first one, now. Must say, it gives a new perspective. Kinda christian investing stock market beginners this men.

So much determination, nobody can stop him: And even with all that money, he still goes on and on and on, he's even wanting to give it all the way, to just WIN! I don't need to know the history before commenting you fool.

10 Ridiculous Facts About How Rich Bill Gates Is

I was merely expressing my preference for the current apple computers as opposed to the current Microsoft computers so Well, carry on in your ignorance and using your precious Apple products that are made specifically for people like you who have an IQ of 30 and not willing to move to something more complex and with more than just 3 functions.

I am going to be sitting back in the meantime and watch Apple go down because I don't see Microsoft helping Apple rise again, specially since Jobs is unfortunately gone. And just for your own culture and all, Apple had 90 days till it became bankrupt when Microsoft lend it a helping hand.

If there would be Steve Jobs,apple wouldn't be absolute crap. The fact is and some of you kind of touched on it, Gates himself didn't do much of anything except become the luckiest man of the 20th century. And he certainly didn't 'change the world. Mac The federal courts we equally ignorant of small user software and awarded him the rights, and every other manuf.

Now they know otherwise. Then he got real lucky when he licensed first time ever IBM went outside the co. IBM even had to work some bugs out IBM was in way too much of a hurry to compete with the Mac and proceeded to establish MSDOS then Windows as THE PC platform. That's why IBM is now out of the PC business too.

Agreed by many analysts that IBM's was the worst corporate decision of the 20th century. The courts remain ignorant when the refused to hear any appeal.

how much money does bill gates makes an hour

Compare it to the case that the DOJ had against IBM with Cobalt and Fortran. I was at IBM at the time and saw all of this coming. There are several ways to be notified about new content on TDF.

Bill Gates: How a Geek Changed the World - Top Documentary Films

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