Explanation of the triangular trade system

Posted: QAMaster Date: 09.07.2017

By Lucie and Myriam. The Triangular Trade was a route to receive slaves.

Its name was given to it by the European merchants who exchanged goods for African slaves. It was called the triangular trade because of its shape that resembled a triangle.

Quiz & Worksheet - Triangular Trade & Its Role in Slavery | efulejeqih.web.fc2.com

As well as enslaved people the traders took other products such as gold, ivory and spices. In the West Indies the merchants picked up sugar and molasses which is a dark brown syrup product made from sugar cane to make rum.

They then carried the rum, along with guns, gunpowder, and tools to West Africa.

Here, they traded these items for slaves, they carried the slaves to the West Indies where they were sold. Traders would take the profits and buy more molasses. The slaves were treated so harshly that some of them didn't make it to the West Indies but died in the boats.

Transatlantic Slave Trade | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

Their bodies would be thrown out to sea! Traders were so greedy that they wanted to bring as many slaves as possible.

Explanation of the triangular trade system

The slaves were chained and crammed together below the deck causing the creation of fatal diseases. There was hardly any sitting room or standing room. The slaves didn't even have fresh air. The air was so stifling that some suffocated to death.

explanation of the triangular trade system

Others tried to starve themselves to death or jump over board. Most died from diseases.

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