Excel vba function argument not optional

Posted: NoftorgoNor Date: 05.07.2017

I have written a program, using VBA in Excel , and it runs perfect. I have been reading that it is good practice to 'compile' your program, not something I have previously done.

When I click compile, I get the following error: What does this mean? Find "Total Core Rates GB", Range "C1" , xlValues, xlWhole, xlByColumns, xlNext.

excel - Optional parameter in custom function - Stack Overflow

You must give that to the function. The survey will appear here when you've completed your visit, so please do not close this window. Microsoft is conducting an online survey to understand your opinion of the Msdn Web site.

Strange "Argument not optional" error in VBA - Stack Overflow

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excel vba function argument not optional

The error occurs on this line of code: Call InsertVaRSummaryFigure Which calls this function which works fine: Function InsertVaRSummaryFigure SummarySheet As String Worksheets SummarySheet. Wednesday, September 29, 9: Hi Gazza, If you write this: And if you write that: Call InsertVaRSummaryFigure you have no transfer parameter, so the compiler said: Argument not optional" You can try this: Call InsertVaRSummaryFigure "NameOfYourSheet" or both if you want a standard Sheet, or another different: This helps others who have the same problem!

Marked as answer by Gazza Wednesday, September 29, Wednesday, September 29, Thanks Dennis, slap my wrists, I should have realised that myself. Would you like to participate? Help us improve MSDN.

Compile Error: Argument not optional

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