How to make money driving a taxi

Posted: Vic_met Date: 25.05.2017

Ask MetaFilter is a question and answer site that covers nearly any question on earth, where members help each other solve problems. Ask MetaFilter is where thousands of life's little questions are answered. Join 4, readers in helping fund MetaFilter. Ask MetaFilter querying the hive mind. Can a taxi driver get rich without winning the lotto?

how to make money driving a taxi

March 19, 8: Do taxi companies impose rules on their drivers to distribute the work fairly? Do taxi drivers form alliances to help each other get the best work? Not planning to be a taxi driver, just curious about how it all works. They drive like bats out of hell? They get paid per mile, not minute, so the faster they make the trip the sooner they can get onto the next one.

The more miles they can squeeze into an hour, the more they take home. That's the obvious one anyway. A couple of months ago I had to use taxis several times. This particular cab company has a wireless computer-based system. When a driver is free and looking for a fare, he tells his local computer console where he is, and the computer shows him all the fares in his area that have called for a cab. He can then pick one, which takes it out of the free list.

All the drivers loved it.

It meant they were driving fares nearly all the time. But if one of them found himself in an area where there weren't any fares waiting, he could check to see if there was another area that was busy, and if so make a decision to drive there, and then get into the computer to claim a fare once he arrived.

All the things you're talking about aren't involved. Hack, by Melissa Plaut will probably answer all your questions and then some. It's also a great, quick read. Her blog has a bunch of stuff, too, although she stopped updating it after her book came out. When I drove a taxi I paid a set fee per day to the cab owner and kept whatever I made above that, filling with gas out of my pocket at the end of each shift. This was some years back, and jobs were assigned over the radio to the driver nearest to the pickup point -- we called in after dropping off to say we were free and where we were.

Nowadays that part's computerized. Pretty much as Class Goat describes, in fact. To make more money drivers would claim to be other than where they actually were, to get picked for the upcoming jobs. Driving faster wasn't necessarily a good idea, and adding extra miles was never a good plan -- too easy to get caught, and always more drivers than taxis so real easy to get laid off.

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Labor Supply of New York City Cabdrivers One Day at a Time PDF you might want to take a look at. The interesting finding was that cabdrivers work fewer hours on rainy days. The paper is really technical, but it has some very interesting non-mathematical stuff.

Paging MeMail MeFi's own Ian A. Why didn't I click Preview? A driver who is constantly picking up and dropping off passengers is going to make more money than a driver taking a fare a long way. It's the reason many SF cab drivers will refuse to take someone to certain distant neighborhoods. So a smart driver will always try to drop you off at your destination as quickly as possible and return to where the fares are.

Again, the key is maximizing the number of fares to take advantage of the initial meter rate when you first get in the cab. When I drove a night shift cab in Portland, it was based on a computer queue system. You punched in the zone you were in and it put you in the queue.

Wait long enough and you got a call , which you could accept or decline. If you were sitting around and there were to many cabs in your zone or things wers slowwww dinner hour, etc.

Sometimes there were many waiting fares and no cabs, but that situation usually does not last to long as many other cabbies see the same thing and head over to that zone. When in transit there is a "soon to clear" button which tells the computer that as soon as the meter goes off I am going to be in zone x, and its puts you in the queue at that spot. A vary valuable button as that could make the difference between being 3rd or 10th in the queue and mean a fare or more waiting. I leased my cab from the company for 12 hours, cash up front and had to return it clean and filled with gas, which on slow nights could be quite a pinch in my profit.

All in all, I made pretty decent money. It helped that I knew my way around, I gave good recommendations for things if the folks asked I know this because they usually would call me to come and pick them up , worked the 6pm to 6am shift almost all drunks after I'm actually in my cab as we speak, typing this on my Blackberry, so I won't be able to post more until tomorrow "morning. In other words, here's a joke we tell the rookie drivers who find themselves intoxicated by the idea of being able to stop working whenever they want: What's the best way to make money driving your cab?

There hasn't been a bad answer in this thread, by the way. Make sure the dispatcher is your friend. I'm also a taxi driver and can confirm most that have been said, new systems incorporate GPS to automatically determine which car is closest to the fare. There is no special system for distributed fares evenly, sometimes you get lucky, sometimes you don't, it basically evens out in the end anyways.

Most rules applied by taxi companies are there to make sure even the less desirable fares get picked up, such as out of the way areas and such. This means you cannot skip too many offers given by the dispatching system etc.

And what Ian said about driving your cab. Suck up to the boss and try to get shifts on Friday and Saturday nights.

Also knowing the town you're working and being where the demand is. Knowing when "Cats" lets out and being there. One point that I found interesting when my roommate and I were trying to launch a transportation-planning startup is that cab drivers are contractors, not employees, and the companies take pains to make that very clear, because it lets them avoid offering benefits and such. So a dispatcher can't call and say, "Joe, you're not carrying anyone, and you're a block away - go pick that person up.

We've got a fare out to the airport, who wants it? Note that much of the above doesn't apply to the single biggest cab market, New York City. New York has a bifurcated system whereby ordinary yellow taxis only take street hails and taxi stand line-ups at airports.

how to make money driving a taxi

It is illegal for drivers or their fleet owners to take reservations, although they can use electronic dispatch systems to get to areas that are busier. If you need to reserve a car, you call one of many different livery companies, which operate a parallel fleet of thousands of cars with voice or computer-based wireless dispatch system. It is illegal for livery cars to take street hails or to pick up from a taxi stand.

Depend upon whether you drive cab or livery your strategies are going to be different. A cabby wants more than anything else to avoid deadheading -- having to drive without a fare. The killer is any fare to an outer borough other than to an airport, because you only get paid one way, and outer borough people generally aren't out hailing cabs, forcing you to take unpaid miles and tolls back to Manhattan.

Newark Airport and the suburbs can also be deadly because New York cabs can't pick up fares there -- if the traffic back to the city is bad it quickly swamps the supplemental fare and toll charge you collect.

Some of the strategies I employed to max out my take when I drove a cab: Thus, I became one of the go-to guys when there was a good fare out there. In other words, I made sure the dispatchers knew I could find any address quickly in a certain area and wouldn't leave fares out there hanging while I cruised around lost. Our company covered not only our city, but outlying suburbs as well. Gotta know your audience! If I wasn't sure where I was going, I made sure the fare knew that, and knew that any mistake on my part wouldn't be reflected in the fare.

More often than not, when I got lost I still got the full fare and a nice tip thanks to being straight-up. They're usually assholes, but if you argue with them you just screw yourself out of money.

Even after the automated GPS computer-dispatched system was introduced, a surly dispatcher could still make or break you. Only fools got into petty wars with dispatch. If I let a bad run early in my shift irritate me, it would definitely cost me money. A bad mood could cut those tips, so I paid close attention to that.

If I got stressed out, I'd take an hour off rather than let it get worse. There's always more money out there. I could go on, but those are the basics. I don't understand this either. The other day I was in a cab and we were stopped at a red light for a long time, and the meter continued to tick up.

This is was in Chicago. If they charge by the mile, how the hell can the meter go up while we're stopped at a red light? I don't know about Chicago, but my meter runs on both distance AND time. It ticks every eighth of a mile or forty seconds, whichever comes first. However, you have to be going REALLY slow to not go an eighth a mile in forty seconds It's more of a consolation prize for being stopped than anything else.

Believe me, we make way more money with the wheels rolling. Wow, there are a lot of cabbies and former-cabbies on Metafilter. We should totally have a meet-up at a hour diner or an off track betting parlor! So anyway, now that I read through this thread, I realize that the New Orleans taxi industry is unique enough that going into detail about how I do my job would be useless to people curious about driving a cab in general. I'm human-dispatched, my car looks like a taxi but is mostly a livery cab, and I have it 24 hours a day.

Also, there have been some pretty good answers already. In fact, isn't this the TRUE lesson of AskMe, that no one's knowledge is unique? I feel like I'm constantly seeing answers that I feel I'm uniquely qualified to answer, only to read the thread and see I got scooped within the first five comments.

So instead of talking specifics about my gig, here are some things I try to keep in mind as I'm working. Get them in, get them there, get them out. As almost everyone else has said, the most important part of driving a cab is turnover. Apple turnover, judging by the physiques of my co-workers. The take-away from this for non-cabbies is that accusing us of trying to take people out of the way presumes an almost offensive level of stupidity on our part.

And I wouldn't even if I could. As RedEmma says, a huge part of the cabbie psyche is knowing that every fare is a roll of the dice Most of us who have been doing this more than a year or so know EXACTLY how much the meter will read and how much you're going to tip, pretty much to the dollar.

This sounds really mercenary, but on a financial level, the ride is over the second we find out the destination We know how much we're getting and we've already added it to our mental tally. Why waste time milking another buck? The next fare could be going all the way out to the airport That's not to say that cabbies DON'T take fares out of the way.

But this isn't because they're trying to rip you off, it's almost certainly because they don't know the shortest way. Which brings us neatly to: Be good at what you do. Mostly, the only way to do this is to just keep working, but a big part of it is also just CARING about being good at it and learning from your mistakes. I know this sounds like some PBS Kids shit, but it's true. This is by no means a scientific number, but I'd say that about a quarter of our fleet at any given point is composed of people who have been doing it less than a year.

The job isn't for everyone and we lose a lot of drivers every month. There's a story about a researcher who tried riding with cabbies to measure their stress levels as they worked, but had to give up after a few hours because just watching them do their job stressed him out too much. You're pretty much completely lost the first six months, and then you're on shaky ground for the next six months. After that, you sorta have an idea of what you're doing. After two years, you've officially qualified to call yourself a rookie.

But what's interesting is that the people who stick around past the first year are here forever. In this business, you're either a newb or a lifer. It's either the worst job you ever had or something that feels a little bit like a revelation: Imagine a Venn diagram with Would Be Good At Driving A Cab on one side and Is Willing To Drive A Cab on the other Interestingly, I've found that most of us who are pretty good at it are failed veterans of corporate or academic circles. I've sorta written a little bit about this, and how I started driving a cab over here.

Fares, and often my friends, find it disconcertingly amusing to think that being a cabbie involves any sort of skill or ability. You're just driving people around!

But there's actually quite a bit to know, and the actual driving is only about ten percent of it. The rest is stuff you only learn by fucking it up so many times that you finally remember. In fact, almost all of us say that if we'd known all the stuff we were going to have to learn before we got into this, we never would have started.

The bulk of this extra knowledge is particularly in the area of interpersonal relations.

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Every fare is a beautiful and unique snowflake, of course, but there are only so many interactions, each with only finite possibilities, and you're going to have them over and over again every single night of your life.

Soon you begin to recognize all the different variables that, with a lot of practice, you can begin to control. This excerpt, from an interview with Seth Rogen about his stint writing for The Ali G Show, sums up exactly what I'm trying to say: There's a real science to it.

It's almost like a magic trick. You get better at guessing what other people are going to say, and you can almost write it. If all goes according to plan, it is almost completely scripted. Those of us who are good at what we do take an enormous amount of pride in it. You know how on The Wire they're always talking about "real PO-lice"? It's the same with us. A constant insult at the cab garage--probably the most lovingly antagonistic place on Earth--is "You're not a cab driver, you just pick up fares.

Why do they think they can get on our good side by insulting our co-workers!? With all due respect, buddy, this is a story I have to hear about ten times a night I'd much rather talk about that great Hornets game last night.

Did you see it? Instead, he takes Claiborne all the way! I'm not racist, but he was one of those Pakistani motherfuckers Know the city COLD. But not for the reason you think. Most of your fares, if they're local, know where they're going and believe me will let you know how to get there whether you need the help or not. Time is money, remember Look, I love my GPS--it's opened up entire sections of the city for me; if it's a slow night, I'll take an order without even knowing where it is--but a GPS is no substitute for coming correct.

It's easier and faster to know the city on an almost genetic level than to muck about with a tiny screen and chiclet keys.

Plus, who wants to drive a fare around while some robot lady gives him directions? Try to have some dignity in your life. I think London's The Knowledge is overkill of massive proportions--you learn just as much in six months giving out free rides because you fucked up as you do following a map around on some little moped--but learning the city is vital to your job.

Just like with everything else, confidence is key. If you're on the block of Jackson Avenue and your fare wants to go to the block of Oak St.

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I'll take Freret to Broadway, Broadway to Oak, and the block is five blocks down, between Hilary and Adams. It's the bar Snake 'n' Jake's. I don't want to veer into "I work in the service industry and I hate my stupid customers! Do you know how to make that?

It stands for Jack Daniels and Coca-Cola. First, take a highball glass As I said last night, actually work. Consistency is the key. The big money-making nights are great, but there no substitutes for consistent work.

Any goof with a taxi can make cabbage on Halloween night, but the real cab drivers are the ones who wake up on September 1st and go back to work. I know that "Don't work hard, work smart" is a mantra among the Getting Things Done cult, but you can really undermine yourself in the pursuit of working smart.

At the end of the day, you drive a cab for a living Go drive your cab around, come home eight hours later, do the same thing four more times, then take a couple days off. It ain't rocket surgery. This sounds like an awesome name, and there is a certain affection there, but as with everything else involving my fellow cabbies there's a fair amount of mockery mixed in: So it's 3 am and there's a guy in the projects with a wheelchair and a dog he doesn't know the exact address of where he's going and he only has a hundred dollar bill?

Because the ten bucks he gives me is going to spend the same as ten bucks a millionaire supermodel gives me. The surest way to decrease your income is to start getting finicky You must have forgotten what you do for a living.

This is a tricky one, because I don't want it to sound like I'm saying "be nice to increase your tips.

But also, be nice to increase your tips. I'm sure someone will now post that episode of This American Life about how mean waitresses make more money, but first of all, you're going to take advice about a blue collar job from Ira Glass!?

Second, there's a word for a person who makes others miserable solely for financial gain, and you don't want to be that person.

If you go out and work eight hours, you're gonna make a living no matter how slow it is. Some nights you make a little more, some nights you make a little less no matter what you try. It all evens out in the end. My yearly income fluctuates by a few thousand depending on a couple variables, like if my transmission falls out, but what I make is pretty solidly in the middle-class range. Besides, driving a cab has advantages that aren't strictly financial, so it's hard to think about it in just economic terms: I work when I want.

I stop when I want. I don't have a boss. I don't feel like I have to cram my life in on the margins of my job. I get to talk to people I might not otherwise get to talk to. On the other hand, nobody respects me, and my friends and family are disappointed in what I've done to my life.

But mainly I like my job because it's one of the only professions I know of where I can ride around and help out strangers in a meaningful way. I take people to work, to the hospital, to booty calls. Because of me, people can go out to dinner, visit their friends, or get to the airport. Sure, I get paid for helping them, but so do cops and doctors. Kenneth Longerman said it way better than I ever could.

In his movie You Can Count On Me, he plays Pastor Ron, who talks about what he likes about his job to Terry Mark Ruffalo: You know, Terry, a lot of people come to see me with all kinds of problems. Drugs, alcohol, marital problems, sexual problems, health problems.

Great job you got. Because even in this little town, I feel like what I do is very connected with the real center of people's lives. I'm not saying I'm always Mr. Effective, but I don't feel like my life is off to the side of what's important.

I don't feel my happiness and comfort are based on closing my eyes to trouble within myself or trouble in other people. I don't feel like a negligible little scrap, floating around in some kind of empty void, with no sense of connectedness to anything around me except by virtue of whatever little philosophies I can scrape together on my own If you ever get in my cab, ask me if I like my job What can I say?

I guess we all have our own plate of beans to overthink in this world. This ex-driver agrees with everything Ian A. Everybody should experience driving a cab for at least a couple of months. I contract-drove for a taxi company, and the deal was, I'd get half the take and they'd pay for fuel and car wash and maintenance and licensing out of their half. It was was really nice to have no plant, no capital, drive a night shift however I damn well pleased, dump half the take into the night safe, and walk home at 4: If your attitude is right, the job is very low-stress.

Most of the time, driving night shift is just a really enjoyable thing to do. The occasional drunken arsehole who fills your back seat with vomit just adds a little spice to the evening: There's a flagfall, which applies as soon as the customer accepts the ride; a per-kilometre rate that applies while the cab is in motion; and a detention timed rate that applies while the cab is stopped. That's why the meter still ticks over while you're sitting at the red light. All the rates should be clearly shown on the meter, if you care to look.

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