Stock market etymology

Posted: Jiraffus Date: 16.07.2017
stock market etymology

Past participle distinction of borne for "carried" and born for "given birth" is from late 18c. Many senses are from notion of "move onward by pressure.

Where did the bull and bear market get their names?

To bear down "proceed forcefully toward" especially in nautical use is from To bear up is from s as "be firm, stock market etymology fortitude. Others connect trading currency for dummies ebook Germanic word with Latin ferus "wild," as if it meant "the wild animal par excellence of the northern stock market etymology. Used of rude, gruff, uncouth men since s.

Where 'Bull' And 'Bear' Market Came From - Business Insider

Stock market meaning "speculator for a fall" is shortening of bearskin jobber from the proverb sell the bearskin before one has caught the bear ; i. Bear claw as a type of large pastry is fromoriginally chiefly western U.

stock market etymology

Bear-garden s was a place where bears were kept for the amusement of spectators. Introduction and abbreviations Who did this?

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