How much money does the average weed dealer make

Posted: Athea Date: 06.06.2017

Below you will find a short interview with a weed dealer that will hopefully answer your question about how much average drug dealers usually make a month. I began in by firstly just smoking marijuana myself, as most people in this trade.

One day it dawned on me that if I purchased bigger amounts and sold a part of the bag, then I could buy a new bag of weed and get high for free. That the time when i stopped smoking weed myself and focusing more on selling it.

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There are days i make couple oh hundred. Prices vary from town to town.

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A few people will offer a discount at two ounces, but usually the next discount is when you buy 4 ounces. If you want to buy even more, then you have to talk to your supplier and ask them for the price. The price depends on the areas wealth, buying power and demand. Usually from an eight i profit around bucks. Furthermore, if you consider the measure of time it takes me to pack the weed and drive to the meeting spot, then you need to factor in the time it takes to do all that.

I sold two separate ounces in one day.

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I consider myself small time dealer who earns extra cash to survive. I know people who have sold more that 10 pounds a month. But sadly one day the police knocked down his front door and arrested him for selling marijuana.

how much money does the average weed dealer make

But anything can happen, right? Jul 7, Weed Wizard. How to Sell Drugs and Not Get Caught. Leave a Reply Cancel Reply. How to Be a Good and Successful Drug Dealer. Where to Sell Weed. How Much Weed Is a Quarter. How Much is a QP of Weed. How Much Weed To Smoke. How to Make Money Selling Weed. How Much Weed Is a Zip. How to Be a Drug Dealer. Weed In a Bag. How to Sell Weed? Contact Us About Us Privacy Policy Terms and Conditions.

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