Neopets stock market guide when to sell

Posted: luminator Date: 22.06.2017

Started by knorellaJuly 18, I've been buying stocks from the Neopets Stock Market everyday for about 2 weeks now.

neopets stock market guide when to sell

I know the basics like when and how to buy but I'm still unsure about when to sell. Also, I'd like to know what is usually the max price that stocks rise too?

I've seen stocks around 70np per share but nothing in the s much less the s that the Daily Neopets' stock market guide http: And, what is the max price that stocks usually reach? Well, it really depends. Lately the whole Neopets stock market has been down so that's probably why you haven't seen the s.

However, I think the stocks that go down to around 15 NPs usually go up to around 60NPs maximum, although I sell them much lower 30NPs or 45NPs if I'm feeling patient, which I probably am not. I've found myself selling at np, so I guess I've been doing okay.

Do you think the stocks going to rise back into the hundreds? I wait until 60nps a share or more.

neopets stock market guide when to sell

A stock often hits 60, goes back down, and then hit a little higher. Also, dont be greedy, it can fall to pieces as fast as it has risen and then you will cry even harder: However, if the stock is normally under 30 NP, and it's up at the 80 NP, then SELL. It will probably go back down in a few days in that case. Just pick a value - any value - that you are happy to sell at and stick with it.

Its a personal choice that depends on how much you need the Neopoints and how quickly. Lower sellpoints yield lower profits, but more frequently.

Higher sellpoints give more profit but you can't neopets stock market guide when to sell to sell as often. Common sellpoints are 30, 60 and I also know a few people who wait to over to sell.

If you're after quicker profits, sell low. Otherwise the higher the better, just be prepared to have to wait a while if you choose to set your sellpoint at 80 or above.

I don't bother with different sellpoints for different companies because my portfolio is too large and it just complicates things - eventually any commission forex brokers I brought will get that high, its just a matter of waiting: There are some stocks that go up higher more frequently but I don't find that its worth working out which ones.

Diversity in your portfolio should cover you better! I keep my sell point at While dukascopy morning forex overview relatively low, it allows me to keep more NP in my bank so that I have the NP if I need it, in case I need to get weapons for a plot or something. It's just a matter of how much you have, and how much you feel you should have on hand at any time.

I totally buy my stocks each day for 15k x shares and when they reach I sell them!! You need to be a member in order to leave a comment. Sign up for a new account in our community.

neopets stock market guide when to sell

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