Best way to get money on cod black ops

Posted: Robocat Date: 03.07.2017

COD7 Black Ops features a brand new in-game currency: You still unlock weapons, equipment, abilities and customization through leveling up, but you have to purchase them before you can use them. As you play the game and earn experience points, you also earn CoD Points.

You choose the way you play the game; not interested in the Red Dot Sight? Skip over it and buy the ACOG Sight instead - the same idea goes for Perks and Killstreaks.

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When you reach level 4, all Perks become available for purchase. Killstreaks work the same way, but they are unlocked at level This system allows you to purchase what you want, when you want it, but you just have to make sure that you have the money.

Earning money through regular gameplay is not the fastest way, but you do have two alternatives: Wager Matches and contracts.

Contracts are basically challenges; they all have different goals and difficulty levels.

You can buy contracts with CoD Points and completing a contract will earn you more CoD Points than you originally paid for the contract itself. Higher the difficulty, bigger islamqa forex trading pay.

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You can also fail contracts as they have a in-game time limit. For example, "kill 10 players with the RC-XD killstreak in 30 minutes".

If you don't complete best way to get money on cod black ops contract in 30 minutes in-game time you don't get best way to get money on cod black ops - you also don't get your invested CoD Points back. In Wager Matches players wager their CoD Points against everyone else. The top three players get rewarded, the first player earns the most, followed by the second and third player - the rest get nothing.

Check out the video below for more information. Featuring new weapons, perks, maps, and scorestreaks the next black ops game is the most ambitious COD game to date.

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BO3 will be available on Xbox LIVE requires Gold MembershipPlayStation Network and Steam. Weapons List Perks Killstreaks Multiplayer Maps CoD Points Achievements Dedicated Servers PC. Black Ops - CoD Points. Contracts Contracts are basically challenges; they all have different goals and difficulty levels.

best way to get money on cod black ops

Wager Matches In Wager Matches players wager their CoD Points against everyone else. Sub Machine Guns Assault Rifles Shotguns Light Machine Guns Sniper Rifles. Lethal Tactical Equipment Camouflages. Perks Killstreaks Multiplayer Maps CoD Points Dedicated Servers.

best way to get money on cod black ops

This site is not affiliated with Activision Black Ops 3 BO3Treyarch or Microsoft XboxXbox LIVE.

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